Marine Terminal
maritime terminal
solutions for business success
and best practice
World standard automated
vessel operation and
management system
Port Community
Ultimate solution
for integrated information
network for port community
Virtual reality for business
intelligence and training simulation
Total Soft Bank Ltd.
Total Soft Bank Ltd (TSB) is a maritime logistics solution company with leading edge technologies, industrial experiences, and reliable service qualities.
Ever since its foundation in 1988, TSB has devoted to develop solutions for the maritime industry in ship automation, port solutions, up to entire port community.TSB's business solutions are most proven applications for the customers with committed resources and expertise of our professional services, also foundation of local customization and experienced development team.As TSB continues to grow and move forward and extends the reach of our services, from shipping to port logistics and to intermodal services, we will continue to honor our pledge of first-class, quality solutions and services that benefit our customers, employees and community with ceaseless vigor.
Press Release
+ ㈜토탈소프트뱅크 제35기 결산공고
+ 제35기(2023년) 감사보고서 및 사업보고서
+ 외부감사인 선임 공고
+ ㈜토탈소프트뱅크 34기 결산공고
48002, 부산광역시 해운대구 반송로 513번길 66-39     |     TEL. 070-4733-1000     |     FAX. (051) 955-3001
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